Try out New Site

Try out a new site called Tween Tribune. Go to my Social Studies sites and click on Tween Tribune and it will connect you directly to the site. Select an article that you find interesting and read it. Then leave me a comment about what you think. I can’t wait to hear from you!

296 thoughts on “Try out New Site

  1. i learned that horses are important to tourists. it was intresting because i love horses!! The authors purpose was to inform you.

  2. Mrs.ganong the article i read was verry intersting because a 19 year old star bought her own house that cost $2.6 million dollers.That verry own house only has 3 bedrooms and 3 bathroom.thats why i foun it intrersting.

  3. I read the article about Harry Potter and the deathly hollows and I learned that there is two parts to the movie and the first part come out November 19, 2010 . I Thought that the article was to Entertain ans to Interform .

  4. I read the article 3-legged dog wins first place, and thought it was interesting to read what a dog could do with three legs and that he competed over 9 dogs. I learned that you can do anything and win at your best effort. I think the authors purpose was to say that anything is possible.

  5. I learned about the ipad & how much it cost.I was interest in the cool facts.I think the author was informing readers about ipads.

        • I heard that the authors purpose is that when ever you say you are bored to death the you say you are bored the more likely you are going to die earlier than anybody else in the whole wide world.My fact is that more you are bored the more your going to die.

        • How about the purpose of the author was to inform. The author gave you information about Lady Gaga winning lots of Oscar and Grammy awards.

  6. I found this story interesting entertaining. I learned that you can but a dog or cat in a washing machine. The purpose of the author telling you this story his to inform you about whats going in the world.

  7. I thought the student that got susspended for wearing a santa suit was funny because he was going to pass out canycanes at school. But the day before the principal told him it was not a good idea .But he did it any way I also think the auther was trying to entertain. But it did not say who the auther was

    • Kara, your article gives you something to think about. Do you go ahead with your idea even if the principal says it’s not a good idea?

      • I would NEVERwear a santa suite school never ever ever and,I would NEVER disobay my principle and,the fact that I noticed is that the kid was from Suburban Philadelphia my opinon is i would not wear a santa suit to school.

        • I think it would be fun to wear a Santa Suit to school but I would not disobey my principal. I’m glad you wouldn’t disobey your principal either.

  8. To run with the big dogs,run with geoge:
    A 250 pound blue great dane from Arazona.His nickname is
    “big dog”.He stands 3feet,7inches tall from paw to shoulder.
    Did you now that that is taller than his closest rival. HOW COOL!

  9. I read the boy who turned in $2,000 dallors.I learnd that bieng honest could be a good was interesting that the boy did not keep the money.The purpose of the story was to intertane

  10. I read th article about a 650 lb. cow found in a pool.
    I learned to never leave a cow out at night.
    it was insteresting because it took five men to pull a 650 pound cow out of a pool.
    I think the author wrote this article to informe you to always watch your cow.

  11. The article I read was Scrub-a-dub your pup- in a washing machine! Something I read is that the dog-o-matic machine would be easir to give dags and cats baths. Vending machines to get your dogs or cats squeaky clean are popping up in France, Great Britain and Japn. For about 30$ your pet canget your pet washed and blow dryed in 33 minutes. The author wrote this to enter tain us.

  12. I learned where the place was for the Groundhog Club.It’s at the Inner Circle at the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club.The interesting thing is that groundhogs were at the Inner Circle with a bunch of people.The author’s name is KHRISTIAN13.The title is The groundhog has spoken.And it’s bad news.

  13. To run with the big dogs: The dog weigh 250 lbs.The dog is 3feet tall and 7inches from paw to sholder. It was cool. It was writen to entertain you.

    • Logan what did the dog do to greet people? Did the dog bark or wag his tail or jump up and down? What was the purpose of the author?

  14. I thoght ” Stars of Vampire Diaries” aressted over a stunt, was shocking and very suprising something you would not be of these actors!!!!!!!!!

  15. I learned alot of science.I went to an article that was about a man who wanted to go from one country to another.I think the purpose was to tell us alot of infofmation about what he did.

  16. To run with the big dogs, run with George
    I learned that a Great Dane named George set the Guiness World Record, for the tallest dog ever recorded with his giant height.George stands 3feet,7inches tall from paw to shoulder on all fours, which is three-quarters of an inch taller than his closest rival-Titan, which is also a Great Dane.I thought the article was very interesting because George is only 4-years-old and is already a GIANT.
    The author wrote this article to inform the reader.

  17. My article was about a monkey who has its own blog! It was very interesting because I did not know that monkeys could type. The article actually says that monkeys are very smart and that they teach them selves how to do many things. The aurthers purpose was to inform you but also to entertain you!

    • Wow! I wonder if we could find this blog. I’d like to see it. It would be so interesting to read what the monkey writes. How interesting!

  18. I read a very interesting and meaningful article about Michelle Obama trying to make a government budget to help get fresh foods to communities that don’t have fresh food sources, such as a grocery store or public garden. I don’t know who the author is, but I think they were trying to inform people. I didn’t see any opinions in this article, but I do reccomend it to everyone that is interested in the government and helping people.

  19. I read about Joseph Pritchard. He is an eight-year old boy how was born with a defomaty. His dream is to be a soccer goalie, but his gloves don’t fit right. When Puma heard about the problem they designed him some gloves with two-fingers and a thumb. I enjoyed reading it. It was to inform me about Joseph.

    • What a great thing for Puma to special make gloves for this 8-year old boy. I like stories that are good or have a good ending.

  20. would you turn in 2,000$ if you found it?????

    I would for instince if she/he was a single mom/dad woudn’t
    you want to pay for your children i would. Although there are some very crooked people who say otherwise .

    inform. The owner rewarded Edward with one of the $100 bills

  21. I learned that Tween Tribute reports that girls are banned from
    ski jumps at the olympics. The author’s purpose was to inform the reader about how girls are banned from ski jumps at the olympics. The author was Gail Hennessey. The article says that maybe in 2014 olympics in russia the girls can show off their ski jumping skills.

  22. The author is Gail Hennessey
    Paul Stekart built an igloo 27ft. 4in. wide and17ft.6in. high.
    It took about 9 weeks to build it and he put a flag on the top.
    It would be cool to build one.

  23. Pet Washing Machine
    Author:Gail Hennessey

    It’s new. It’s cool. It’s the pet washing machine. Their apearing in Great Britain, Japan, and France. What’s interesting is that they made safe pet washing machine. The author’s purpose is to imform us about the new pet washing machine.

  24. A little 2lbs, eight week old kitten was dropped in a mailbox in Boston and later found unharmed. The MSPCA Animal Center and Adoption Center, are naming him Postina.
    The authers purpose is to entertain/inform you.

  25. Baltic,the spunky dog who floated at least 75 miles on an ice floe,has a new owner:the seaman who rescued himthe dicision was made after the dog rejected 6 people whoclamed tobe his owner.A fact i found was that the dog got a new owner and the article was made to inform you

  26. The article snow woes,south shocked,and New England no show was interesting because it talked about how some of the places that hardly see snow got the most. I thinkk that the author wrote the passage to inform you about how even the south can get a lot of fact I read was Baltimore has recorded 77.9 inches of snow in a month,nearly 6.5 feet.

  27. Get this! You are more likely to die earlier when you are bored! You may not be motivated to eat, exercise, and have a heart- heatlhy lifestyle, etc. It can also lead to drinking, smoking, taking drugs or having a psychological problem. So if you were a person who was chronically bored you should be worried. Its all facts. The authors purpose was to inform you about dying to early when you are bored.

    • I loved the way you began your comment with get this. You grabbed my interest right away. What an interesting article. I very rarely get bored. I should live long. Do you get bored easily?

  28. Kids never learn still lick frosen poles! Boise firfighters pored a glass of warm water to unstick the boys tonuge off the pole. The authors purpose to write this was to inform you. An opinion from the article was kids never learn still lick frosen poles.

  29. The authors puporse is to inform us about our American Skier injuries.Lidnsey Vonn has won a couple of awards and medals,but she might have to wait next olympics for another medals.One fact is that she cut open her thumb last February and had to tape her pole to her glove and now her whole chance of winning is almost washed away because of a broken pinkie.One quote from her is Everything is not lookinh like she planned.

  30. Gail Hennessey the author of Do you floss?This monkey does!Says that 14 year old chonpe keeps her teeth clean by flossing.She lives in Iwatayama Monkey Park in Japan.She bites off her hair and pulls it through her teeth.The author’s purpose was to inform you about a monkey that flosses.One of the facts in the story is that it has become a daily routine for her to floss.

  31. i larned that justin beiber has a successful campaign to collect
    canned food for the was very interesting i got to larne more about my fav. boy singer. the purpose of the author is to tell you a little about justin beiber, so i think it was to entertan.
    a fact about justin beiber is that he gave a middle school free passes to see his concert

  32. I read the article ” The world’s largest dog”. He is the TALLEST dog EVER recorded! His hight is 3ft and 7in. He is taller than the nearest dog named Titanthat is the same breed.

  33. A man was trying the 77 year old world record for catching the biggest large mouth bass. This man cought a 22 pound 4 ounce large mouth bass. He cought the wopper at Lake Biwa, Japans largest lake. He used 25 pound test line and a live blue gill as bait.

  34. What I learned about this interesting article is that the amazing Lindsey Vonn the Olympic star can put her mind to something and make it happen. The purpose of the author I think was to inform you about a woman that just won a gold metal and is getting ready and is going for more! It can also be entertainment because it really did a good job entertaining me! It would we really interesting to be in her place and see what it feels like to be Lindsey or even just to be in the Olympics! Whoever was the author he or she did a great job!!!

    • In my opinion I think it would be cool to be on Olympic athlete. It would take a lot of work and commitment to your sport. Would you be willing to do that?

  35. I learned you can put a dog in a washing machine. I think it was interesting because it is a kind of funny invention. The author is Gail Hennessey.One fact she put in the article is it washes both a cat or a dog.

  36. As people aproach a gas station are greated by 2 paws in the window . A fact is that the dog brought smilesto incoming shopers.

  37. I just finshed reading an artical about a 68 year old women grew her finger nails for 30 years. She hasn’t cut them since 1979. The women lost her finger nails in a car wreak! A fact is that she lost them in a car wreak.My opinion about this artical is that that is rather wrong and gross!

  38. The article I read was about a washing machine for dogs!It is one of the single wierdest things I have ever seen.You pay $30 and wait 33 minutes and bam your dog is clean.It was so entertaining.Gail Hennessey wrote this.You sould read this article.

  39. Four year old Taylor Pugh is SUSSPENDED?!!!!
    Not fair. Girls wear their hair long and in pony tails. Why can’t boys?That is not right!!!!!!! But….. it is interesting, and I want to llearn more about it. My opinion is that the aurthor was informing us about this little boy and all the other boys around the world.

  40. The autors porpuse of this story is to prusade me to buy an iPad I think it will save money$chaching.
    Some say that it will save trees and paper.
    GOOD BYE!!!!!!!!!

  41. I did not know that mw2 was the best selling video game of the year. I like the game but I do not like the level at the airport were you are working with terroist. My opinon is I dont think they had to put that level in that game.My fact is they have this thing that pops ups and it says ,do you want to skip this level I said YES I dont play games like that!!!BYE!

  42. I read article called Boyscouts seek the tech-savvy.It wasinforming.The author purposeis to inform us about the Boyscouts handbook going online.A opinion the author stated was it would bring more boys to scouting.I think it is a good idea.

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